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Thursday, 15 March 2012

STATUS UPDATE via UNIROW in Facebook already created

A status update in Facebook is an important activity for Facebook's users. They share the ideas on many things through their statuses. Many of them using gadget platform such us Mobile Phones and modern equipment such as tablet PC and laptop. People whom use those gadget will have a small icon next to their status update. The icon represent on the gadget they use or the tools they may have in their gadget. Most of the times, a status update will have a word or two like as “via mobile phone”, “via blackberry” and the others.
As a contribution to UNIROW, a status update via UNIROW have been created by Mochammad Rifai in November 2011. When the first time it released for the individual test, many things have been fixed. In December 2011, Three beta testers said everything was fine. In January 2012, Status Update via UNIROW was being introduced to public via page in UNIROW. However, according to schedule, the official announcement will be held in June 2012.

A status update via UNIROW will only available for student in UNIROW and my goes public if everything goes fine. Creating a status update via UNIROW isn’t that hard. The hardest part is dealing with rules and privacy. After done all the requirement, It made into reality by Mochammad Rifai. The status update via UNIROW is a sign of support from student to the university. It also mean on how many people really love it. The goal is to make public realize if there is a local university which may better than the other that have been around for years.

UNIROW ASIA is a new platform trying to help student who have difficulty in learning lots of things. The development of this site become slower after an incident was happen in March 09 2012. While riding the bike another people who ride a bike crash me from the back and made me stay in hospital for more than a week. Luckily, my condition isn’t that bad. Only flesh wound in the leg and my arm. Other than that, everything were fine. However, my bicycle have another story. It wrecked in many parts. It have been fixed few days ago. The people who crash me from the back was running away and never found till now. I’m lucky because I still alive till now. Many people said the condition will be different if I didn’t moved from the middle of the road to the left side of it.

Moch Rifai
Moch Rifai

A local teacher whom enjoy teaching student. I always have lots of questions in my mind. Doing research is an effort to answer my curiosity

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