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Sunday, 4 March 2012

editing Logo UNIROW ASIA is full of challenges

LOGO UNIROW ASIA Reviewed by Mochammad Rifai on March 04 . simple logo for UNIROW ASIA. A unique and special logo for UNIROW ASIA OFFICIAL SITE. Rating: 4.9
Logo UNIROW Asia reviewed by Mochammad Rifai on march 4 is a unique logo for UNIROW Asia or a special logo that will be applied in UNIROW Asia. It is rated 10 out of 10 based on 173 ratings and 119 user reviews in Facebook.

A logo is not a something which is required by an online web or blog. However, a logo will give better visibility to others about the content of it. nowadays, a logo become an important part in website and blog. Webmaster always have their own logo which is different than others. The logo is unique. They made it based on the characteristics which available in their blog. Sometimes, a webmaster use a logo which is almost identical to other popular brand. Being almost identical mean it is not same. It just looks like it was same. When a webmaster become a fans of popular brand, They tend to use it in their sites. A logo is definitely a something important for webmaster. However, being important doesn’t mean it is necessary. A logo surely will attract more visitors. A logo is  a something they see in their first sight when visiting a site. If the logo is great and unique, they tend to think it as great site. At least, that is what many visitors think while they visiting a site.

A week have been passed and the Logo of UNIROW ASIA is still under editing. The estimation to finish it is still on schedule. Based on the previous post, It will be finished in few weeks. However the progress might be faster or slower depends on the graphic designer whom made the logo. The request to make it have been sent in couple of days ago. Make a logo require not only skills in creating an image but also ability to make an excerpt of the site. This is true because the logo will be used in site. A usual logo can be created in just few days.

Creating a logo for site is different than creating it for a magazine. Based on what I have written in local newspaper in my town (TUBAN), a logo  for a site should have lots of requirements. It should be as great as possible while keep the file size smaller. The logo must be unique and different than others while keep it as same as possible with the topic currently being written in site. A logo might contain image of other free to use resources but always make sure to use own resources if possible. Using other people resources is not recommended because the image may have their own copyrighted materials. All designers are encouraged to create logo which is contain positive effect. Any logo should be safe for any ages.

A logo for UNIROW ASIA is still in progress. While the logo is not being released, public are welcome to read the articles and submit the opinion via comment form. Many articles in UNIROW ASIA were lost (about 75% of them) due to migration from Wordpress to blogger. Lots of articles lost due to MySQL database errors. The articles in this site is just a few posts which is saved via Google cache. The local backup was gone because both 2 hard disk die due to electricity problems. All articles will be rebuilt manually and it may took sometimes to finish. With few spirits left to recover all the articles, let’s hope it will be finished before the end of this year. Writing all of those articles aren’t easy. It require lots of times and researches. That is the reason why it will take much times to complete.

Moch Rifai
Moch Rifai

A local teacher whom enjoy teaching student. I always have lots of questions in my mind. Doing research is an effort to answer my curiosity

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