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Monday 7 May 2012

Adding blog UNIROW ASIA to Technorati

After two blog about education have been added into Technorati, It is the time for UNIROW.ASIA (933R9PBK3DNU) to be added into Technorati. Adding blog into Technorati directories isn’t that hard. I learn it from my own experiences. First, make an account in Technorati. Registering isn’t cost anything and only need an email to be used for verification and notification. Second, write about yourself in your profile after you verify the email and you may add your blog by selecting Claim your blog in the bottom of the screen. Just add the URL and Technorati will do the rest. Third, add info about your blog. be sure to write real info. last, Technorati will give you a code. Mine is 933R9PBK3DNU. Yours maybe different. Then create a new blog post and paste the code into it and Check your Technorati account. Then, it the team will decide whether your blog is deserve to be added into Technorati or not. It can be 6 hours until 24 hours. Judging from my won opinion, it only take few hours. happy adding your blog to Technorati.

Saturday 7 April 2012

charity unirow

The picture in left pane tells much than the words written in this post. It was an activity to help people whom suffers from disaster which happen all around places. As a student in , we have the moral responsibility to lift the severe pain which is happen to people in various location. Looks at the picture carefully and you will see how great their dedication. They join the charity activities without no one asked it and get nothing for it except the happiness for helping others. They sacrifice their times and while many students just playing and hanging around with friends, they work together asking for help from any drivers who passed by. The situation in the picture is hard to be written in this post. I remember the times when the activities was done and we smile each others. We proud to the job and will help others in next times. No food or payment for doing it but we did it for free. It is great to help the people who get disaster in their areas. Don’t you want to help the others? If you were student in , You should join the same activities. feel free to write any of your comments in this page.

Monday 19 March 2012

UNIROW have a special page in Facebook used as the gathering place for Facebook user all around the world. Current user who like UNIROW are 394 (you can see it in the bottom at the right) while friends whom attend college here are 72 user and 24 lecturers confirm if they did work here. The preview here is to show up other people whom using Facebook but cannot find it due to the privacy concern. Not all people can assign the page as their background of their study. Manual verification is being used. Below is the screenshot.

facebook page unirowFacebook remain me to use timeline as it will be the default template in march 30. However, I do prefer the classic template then timeline ATM. But there is no choice, in march 29, the cover for timeline will be uploaded for UNIROW. I do support the decision of Facebook to activate timeline in page. It will be easier to manage the page. This is the goal of timeline as Facebook's staff state about it in press conference few times ago.

The page about UNIROW is going to be active in the future as a new admin have been added. This is to help the page stay updated and the user will be informed with the latest info on what’s happen in the university. It also can be used as the central location or the center of information for all Facebook user. More than 1208 Facebook user claimed to study here but manual verification is a tedious work.

While page about UNIROW is being updated daily, UNIROW ASIA will also being updated. However, managing both Facebook page and site make me feel tired faster than before. It means the development of UNIROW ASIA might not going to be faster as always. UNIROW ASIA may have another admin in the future but I prefer to handle it by myself as I still able to do almost all the works. Let’s pray for the best.

Sunday 18 March 2012

This is the second screenshot an update status via UNIROW which is the same status update in Facebook but taken from different side. While the first screenshot was taken from ‘PROFILE’ section which contain list of all private statuses update, this second screenshot was taken from the ‘HOME’ section which usually contain list all all statuses update from everyone. The screenshot below is made by mine and created via UNIROW. I can post a screenshot with different statuses update but I’m afraid that it will make some confusion to the readers and that is the reason why the status update was exactly the same as yesterday.

status via unirow

An update status via UNIROW is becoming popular recently. This is due to so many student whom learn at UNIROW. It is estimated more than five thousand active student still learn in UNIROW while more than twenty thousands of people have been graduated in just five years. Most of them aware of the latest issue on the new platform to publish statuses update in Facebook through a new application which permit them to create an update status via UNIROW. Based on the page about UNIROW and also community page for UNIROW, most of them value the application and excited with it. They also show good responses regarding it. In another unofficial forum for UNIROW, it even become a hot rumor which is stay in sticky mode for more than weeks.

Although there are many obstacle to make this statuses update become available to public (it was due to some opinion about the usage of it), the status update via UNIROW will not become an elite and VIP features for some people. It will be available for student in UNIROW as scheduled in the project. The availability to public is still under estimation and correction in editorial section as some people still arguing about it. The effectiveness of this status update to support UNIROW is not to be asked anymore. It is more effective than other ways and many people believe it. I do believe it as it is the easiest way to use Facebook and support universities at the same time. In the future, UNIROW ASIA will try to make a group in Google+ circle. Due to lack information on how to do it, Google+ account for UNIROW and UNIROW ASIA may become available later when there sufficient information on how to realize the ideas. (Mochammad Rifai)

Saturday 17 March 2012

In the previous post, there is an article about the possibility to update status via UNIROW which is especially created for anyone who related with UNIROW. This is possible with the help from Facebook team and local authority. The screenshot below will give the brief explanation on what I mean in the previous post.

status via unirowThe Status Update was created today (march 18 2012) at 02:28 Am. It show us if status update via UNIROW is possible but might not available for public until everything have been sorted out. Let’s analyze the picture above. Don’t watch at the status update as it only a personal note made by me. Watch closely on the small writing under the name “Arick Ardreamer”. There is a sentence which says “13 seconds ago via UNIROW”. It clearly shows if the status update via UNIROW is possible and can be used by anyone who have credential to do it. While the use of it is limited to only few selected people, a status update via UNIROW is a sign of the support to the university. Creating the application to make it into real wasn’t easy. Thanks to Facebook team for the support. I wish the status update via UNIROW will be the standard application that is used by anyone whom related with UNIROW including students and lecturers.

Friday 16 March 2012

history and Information about ARIANA UNIROW

UNIROW ASIA decide to write about ARIANA UNIROW. A success mission to introduce UNIROW to the whole world which was ended in 2009. The page about in this blog will display the information about the history of ARIANA UNIROW once it created in 2007. The mission to introduce UNIROW had been started in 2005 and ARIANA UNIROW is one of the successful blog to carry the mission. However, due to incident in 2009, the mission was marked as failed. The mission is still carried by other blog until 2011 and continued by UNIROW ASIA in September 2011.

The mission to introduce UNIROW is a voluntary mission. No one paid it but I did it just to inform the whole world if there is a university in local area called as UNIROW. In the progress, not only UNIROW being introduced. Many local Universities also being written in the articles section. Foreigner will be able to have brief view about universities in Indonesia.

Without being introduced to the whole world, UNIROW and other local universities which are unique and prospective will not have a chance to be known by any people especially foreigner. Public also benefit from it as they have more large choice to continue the study or just to learn about universities. I remember accepting emails from foreigners who want to research a university in Indonesia. I help them out as I could by supplying the information. It feels great to help the others. I wish what I did will inspire people to share more info about everything that they have the power and authority to share it.

The story about ARIANA UNIROW may have ended. But the new story called UNIROW ASIA will continue the spirits of it. ARIANA UNIROW is the real story and dedication to share the ideas and information about universities in Indonesia. I wish in the future, more useful information will be available to public.  I do hope UNIROW ASIA can take over the mission started by ARIANA UNIROW and keep available until I cannot do anything. Lets hope for the best. (Mochammad RIFAI)

Thursday 15 March 2012

STATUS UPDATE via UNIROW in Facebook already created

A status update in Facebook is an important activity for Facebook's users. They share the ideas on many things through their statuses. Many of them using gadget platform such us Mobile Phones and modern equipment such as tablet PC and laptop. People whom use those gadget will have a small icon next to their status update. The icon represent on the gadget they use or the tools they may have in their gadget. Most of the times, a status update will have a word or two like as “via mobile phone”, “via blackberry” and the others.
As a contribution to UNIROW, a status update via UNIROW have been created by Mochammad Rifai in November 2011. When the first time it released for the individual test, many things have been fixed. In December 2011, Three beta testers said everything was fine. In January 2012, Status Update via UNIROW was being introduced to public via page in UNIROW. However, according to schedule, the official announcement will be held in June 2012.

A status update via UNIROW will only available for student in UNIROW and my goes public if everything goes fine. Creating a status update via UNIROW isn’t that hard. The hardest part is dealing with rules and privacy. After done all the requirement, It made into reality by Mochammad Rifai. The status update via UNIROW is a sign of support from student to the university. It also mean on how many people really love it. The goal is to make public realize if there is a local university which may better than the other that have been around for years.

UNIROW ASIA is a new platform trying to help student who have difficulty in learning lots of things. The development of this site become slower after an incident was happen in March 09 2012. While riding the bike another people who ride a bike crash me from the back and made me stay in hospital for more than a week. Luckily, my condition isn’t that bad. Only flesh wound in the leg and my arm. Other than that, everything were fine. However, my bicycle have another story. It wrecked in many parts. It have been fixed few days ago. The people who crash me from the back was running away and never found till now. I’m lucky because I still alive till now. Many people said the condition will be different if I didn’t moved from the middle of the road to the left side of it.

Sunday 4 March 2012

LOGO UNIROW ASIA Reviewed by Mochammad Rifai on March 04 . simple logo for UNIROW ASIA. A unique and special logo for UNIROW ASIA OFFICIAL SITE. Rating: 4.9
Logo UNIROW Asia reviewed by Mochammad Rifai on march 4 is a unique logo for UNIROW Asia or a special logo that will be applied in UNIROW Asia. It is rated 10 out of 10 based on 173 ratings and 119 user reviews in Facebook.

A logo is not a something which is required by an online web or blog. However, a logo will give better visibility to others about the content of it. nowadays, a logo become an important part in website and blog. Webmaster always have their own logo which is different than others. The logo is unique. They made it based on the characteristics which available in their blog. Sometimes, a webmaster use a logo which is almost identical to other popular brand. Being almost identical mean it is not same. It just looks like it was same. When a webmaster become a fans of popular brand, They tend to use it in their sites. A logo is definitely a something important for webmaster. However, being important doesn’t mean it is necessary. A logo surely will attract more visitors. A logo is  a something they see in their first sight when visiting a site. If the logo is great and unique, they tend to think it as great site. At least, that is what many visitors think while they visiting a site.

A week have been passed and the Logo of UNIROW ASIA is still under editing. The estimation to finish it is still on schedule. Based on the previous post, It will be finished in few weeks. However the progress might be faster or slower depends on the graphic designer whom made the logo. The request to make it have been sent in couple of days ago. Make a logo require not only skills in creating an image but also ability to make an excerpt of the site. This is true because the logo will be used in site. A usual logo can be created in just few days.

Creating a logo for site is different than creating it for a magazine. Based on what I have written in local newspaper in my town (TUBAN), a logo  for a site should have lots of requirements. It should be as great as possible while keep the file size smaller. The logo must be unique and different than others while keep it as same as possible with the topic currently being written in site. A logo might contain image of other free to use resources but always make sure to use own resources if possible. Using other people resources is not recommended because the image may have their own copyrighted materials. All designers are encouraged to create logo which is contain positive effect. Any logo should be safe for any ages.

A logo for UNIROW ASIA is still in progress. While the logo is not being released, public are welcome to read the articles and submit the opinion via comment form. Many articles in UNIROW ASIA were lost (about 75% of them) due to migration from Wordpress to blogger. Lots of articles lost due to MySQL database errors. The articles in this site is just a few posts which is saved via Google cache. The local backup was gone because both 2 hard disk die due to electricity problems. All articles will be rebuilt manually and it may took sometimes to finish. With few spirits left to recover all the articles, let’s hope it will be finished before the end of this year. Writing all of those articles aren’t easy. It require lots of times and researches. That is the reason why it will take much times to complete.

Saturday 25 February 2012

Logo UNIROW Asia reviewed by Mochammad Rifai on Feb 26 is a simple logo for UNIROW ASIA which mean a special logo created to be used by UNIROW ASIA . It is rated 9 out of 10 based on 194 ratings and 115 user reviews in Facebook.

Logo UNIROW ASIA will be announced to public in next few weeks. The actual release is in 1 April 2012 but the beta version will be shown to public in next few weeks. If the plan goes fine, It may will be introduced faster than schedule. Logo UNIROW Asia will be changed into a something useful to reflect the spirits of the site. While designing a logo isn't that hard, make it fully compatible is not easy. The discussion about it have been started since 2 weeks and three days ago. Most visitors always willing to see the flash banner in the header. Implement it is easy but while the testing, flash banner have huge size despite it awesome animation. Most visitors will end up closing the page because of the loading time will be longer if the logo is in flash. Using standard graphic will be enough. However it will looks bad. Many visitors want an animation and not boring still image. Standard Graphic Interchange Format would be the option but due to the size of the file, this decision was being cancelled. Size of the file is the priority among the others. Good looking image is also important but make visitors wait just for the logo is surprisingly bad. After an intensive debate, The option would be to use still image but will be improved using latest techniques. The image would not going to be in flash or animation but it is great looking image because of the optimization on the picture. The decision would be win-win solution. The site will load faster due to small size of the logo and the visitors will be happy because the logo is awesome. Until the new logo is being created, the old logo will still in it place. The new logo for UNIROW ASIA is still under optimization and no estimated times on when it will be finished in future.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Mochammad Rifai"Blogger Independent is available for student in UNIROW TUBAN" written by Mochammad Rifai on Feb 21 is talking about a group in facebook for student in UNIROW TUBAN. "Blogger Independent is available for student in UNIROW TUBAN" tell the student in UNIROW TUBAN about a chance to improve skills and add more knowledge in blogging. Rating: 4.8.

While there is no group created for student in UNIROW TUBAN mainly aimed to improve their skills in creating blog, UNIROW STITMA OFFICIAL SITE devoted to make a group in Facebook to help them maximize their skills. Being student mean learn the lesson. Not all knowledge can be retrieved from the school or university. Most of them learnt from experiences. Sharing experiences with other through that newly created blog is a great idea. The implementation isn’t that easy. Lots of obstacle in the way but most of them can be easily overcome.

Sunday 19 February 2012

Blogger Independent"Blogger Independent" which is created by Mochammad Rifai on Feb 20 is a group consist of students from UNIROW TUBAN."Blogger Independent" is a Facebook group trying to educate and help anyone who willing to learn about blogging and internet. Rating: 5.0

Almost all member are student and ex-student from UNIROW TUBAN. This is caused by the fact that this group is trying to make all people especially anyone from UNIROW TUBAN to be a useful person. By blogging, their idea will remain in the history and everyone will be able to read and feel on what the writer had written in their blog. Many people from UNIROW TUBAN are famous and extraordinary people but most of the times, public didn’t know about them or didn’t if they were exist. The bad news is, most people in UNIROW TUBAN cannot show their existence. Through blogging and internet, such problems will be eliminated and the result is public able to recognize lots of extraordinary persons from UNIROW TUBAN.

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